The Contest: Who Does Savannah Look Like?


The Results are In!


Who does Savannah look more like?

Scroll down for the results!

The Results

The vast majority of people we know copped out and said that she looks like both of us with comments like “she’s a wonderful mix of both of you” and “it’s a tie” and “she’s a combo of the best of both of you.”  Of course, some family members (who shall remain nameless) had strong opinions, such as “No question.  Kim, thank God!”  Others were more analytical with “She has Kim’s eyebrow’s, hair, chin and hairstyle, and the eyes and nose of Brian” and “Savannah has Kim’s cheeks and head.”  Those who did cast a vote either way, usually split along family lines.

The most surprising find was how many people thought Savannah looked like more like Brian until they saw the pictures.

Then they were more on the fence, and tended to vote “tie.”

But whatever the comments, people finally made up their minds.  The results speak for themselves. 

If I exclude the 9 “ties,” the the final tally is:

Kim 2, Brian 4.

(Total 15 Votes)

Thank you for your votes, although try to avoid making up your own categories next time, people!!!!!   :)

Please e-mail me with any additional comments!

Survey Note: Results were tabulated by Brian, so keep that in mind.

Also, Heidi received one Vote, but she was technically ineligible.

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